Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wildlife Photos

Sorry for the absence!  Things have been absolutely nuts around here, what with the end of the school year and the start of a hugely busy summer.  We leave Thursday for a bear hunt/anniversary retreat up the Denali Highway!

But before I go, I thought I'd leave you a few shots from the last two weeks.  Mostly at Potter's Marsh, though the last one is Eklutna Lake.  I'm very excited because all of my favorite birds are back!

First, the Sandhill Cranes.  They tend to prefer the mudflats over by the rifle range (stupid birds), but we caught this flock winging overhead at the marsh!  Great to see.

Green Teal.  Love'm!  How can you not, with such gorgeous colors?  There were dozens flocking around the marsh.

Pintail.  Not a favorite of mine, but I do like this shot, with the reflection in the water.

Arctic Tern!  I love love love these birds!  They are so much fun to watch, as they dip and dive through the air, and way cooler than stupid seagulls.

More teal, flocking in for a landing.

Not a bird, but this muskrat is a bit of a rarer sight at the marsh.  We actually saw two this day!

Birders, help!  I'm having trouble identifying this pair!  They're diving birds, and from a distance I first thought loon, but the head shape is wrong... What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Those would be Goldeneyes, specifically Barrow's Goldeneyes. The male is the black and white and the female is the brown.

