Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kenai Wildlife!

We started our day by heading down to the Wildlife Conservation Center near Portage.  There was this adorable baby musk ox there, and the bears were more active than I'd ever seen!

Nom nom!  Tasty bone!  Just as soon as I put my camera down, he threw the bone into the air - it was pretty neat!

As soon as we reached Seward, we headed down towards Caine's Head in search of sea otters.  We found no less than half a dozen, plus a seal that I didn't get any photos of.
Mommy and baby... even though baby is almost as big as mommy!  I really want this same picture, but when baby is just a little fluffball.
Not one, not two, but three otters!  They are so cute playing together!
Bye bye!

And here's a juvie bald eagle.  He took his dinner out onto the gravel bar so as not to be disturbed... except by that seagull lurking around behind him!

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