Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kenai Adventures

Portage Valley

This weekend The Husband and I headed down to the Kenai for a weekend of fun, adventure, and black bear hunting.  We didn't see any bears, but we did see a bunch of tracks, so we were at least in the right place!

Either a good-sized sow or a young boar.  My money's on the boar

Even though we didn't get a bear, we did see a bunch of wildlife.  This cock grouse was eager to defend his harem against our intrusion.  I also brought home a snowshoe hare for the stewpot.

After our hike, we made time for a stop in one of our favorite towns, Seward.  It had gotten a bit rainy, and we didn't particularly feel like camping in the rain, so we went on down to the Army Rec camp.  I wanted to see the otters and, as usual, they obliged.  This one gave us a great look as he motored his lazy way along the shore.

 Dinnertime for Otters!

On our way back to Anchorage, we stopped at the Wildlife Conservation Center.  The WCC is a great rehabilitation and preservation center.  I particularly like how the enclosures are large enough for the animals - large enough that visitors may not get to see them, because the animals comfort is first priority.  Despite the large pens though, the grizzlies put on quite a show for us!

 The WCC's first birth of the year, a baby caribou!

When we were unloading the car, a momma and yearling decided to watch.  They actually passed right behind us - less than 20 feet away!  I froze when I saw them so close, but The Husband didn't notice!

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