Thursday, December 24, 2009

BBA #10 - Cornbread

The BBA is, with one exception, a book of yeast breads. This cornbread is the exception. It's a quick bread, using baking powder and baking soda as leaveners. Looking at the recipe, I wasn't sure what to think. First, it only uses 1 cup of cornmeal. Second, it uses whole corn kernels, which I am not generally a fan of. And third, there's bacon. Now, I like bacon, but it just seems weird to me!

As a quick bread, this bread was simple, easy, and fast to make. It did require an overnight soaker of buttermilk and cornmeal, but apart from that it was very much a "mix it, toss it in the pan, and bake" recipe. I ended up soaking my cornmeal for an extended length of time, due to some time confusion on when I'd actually make the bread. It worked alright, though!

This bread is very sweet. Surprisingly, I really didn't mind the corn kernels as much as I do in other recipes. The bacon, however, didn't add anything at all to the bread. If I make it again, I will probably skip the bacon.

While this isn't a bread that I would just eat alone, it is a very good companion bread for a meal - particularly some chili! The sweetness combines perfectly with the spice in the chili, creating the perfect mouthful!

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